Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Integrated Unit Based Upon the Artwork from Mali, Bamana

Artwork from Mali, Bamana: Pair of Antelope Headdresses

I would use this piece for my second grade class. I would be able to tie in many skills. When I first looked at the piece, I was baffled as to how in the world I was going to make any of these pieces work with my class but then I read the lesson plans and resources and I saw how easy it was to make it happen. I would like to target language arts, social studies and art into this lesson.
Arts: Ask children if they were going to a party or celebration, "how would you dress?" Children may recognize that they wear special attire for speical occasions. Introduce that the antelope headdresses are worn during special celebrations for farming. Using music from Africa, allow children to dance to the rhythm and explore ways people from Mali might express themselves. Children can create their own headdress or special covering for their dances.
Social Studies: Using directional and mapping skills, children could find Mali, Bamana on the map. We can discuss the type of crops they raise and compare them to the crops we raise. We can discuss why we grow different crops. Factors in the environment can effect the crops they are able to grow.
Language Arts: Children could interview local farmers then they could write about the information they gathered. If interviewing farmers is not an option, children could always use literature or other resources to learn more.

Using this website, my gears began turning on different ideas. I am going to continue to use this website to help. I never even thought about using artwork to introduce a new unit. I will use this from now on!

1 comment:

  1. Your ideas sound very interesting! Interviewing local farmers would definitely tie in to real world experiences....our county has lots of farmers! I think the kids would love to make a headdresses and the dancing!
