Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ethics and Context

I thought this section was especially meaningful! Teachers have such a huge responsibility of keeping our children safe. Being safe means so many different things. Keeping them safe from inappropriate material on the Internet is one of those things that is very touchy. Children can access the Internet with permission from home but once they get up there and they enter one letter incorrectly or correctly and children can stumble across inappropriate pictures that could get us in a heap of trouble. Another aspect of safety is communicating with others over the Internet. We may want to create an email, edmoto, or wiki for students to communicate with each other but we are concerned about who else can access or get ahold of their information.
Another concern is treating information as property. Children must know about plagiarism at a younger age now than they used to. Another key to using information is determining if it is accurate information. Again, children are learning these ideas a lot sooner than we did growing up. I didn't know (or don't remember) anything about copyright until I was in middle school.